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Headache Review – Roq Roto Copon

Confieso que no soporto a los Beatles (ya he sido debidamente agredido por ello), creo que por eso me ha costado agarrarle la onda a este disco que, para dificultarmelo aún más, parece dividido en dos partes: exactamente hasta la mitad del tema 5 parecen el hermano malvado de los Beatles inventando el Black Pop.

Pero a partir de entonces la cosa se draculiza, crudifica, endurece, y loopifica rarunamente para finalizar con 5 temas excelentes, intensos y torcidos de una manera que no se me habría ocurrido en la vida. Un disco absolutamente peculiar e inclasificable al que vale la pena plancharle una oreja.

I must confess I can’t stand The Beatles (I’ve already been accordingly assaulted for that reason), I think that might be the reason why it was so difficult for me to get into this record, which to make things even more difficult, seems to be divided in two parts: exactly until the half of the 5th track they seem to be the Beatles’ evil brother inventing Black Pop. But from that point on, this thing becomes more Dracula, crude, tough and bizarrely looped just to finish with 5 more songs, excelent, intense and crooked in a way I could have never imagined. An absolutely peculiar and unclassifiable record definetly worth the listen.

Headache Review – Roq Roto Copon