Iggy Pop
„A clever and strong group Trupa Trupa!” says Iggy Pop at BBC Radio 6 music.
„A clever and strong group Trupa Trupa!” says Iggy Pop at BBC Radio 6 music.
Words fail to describe Poland’s Trupa Trupa, just ask anyone who has witnessed them live!
„It’s been a year of pleasant and rewarding surprises, with Polish outfit Trupa Trupa’s Of The Sun (Glitterbeats Records) being perhaps the most unexpected revelation. Frontman and poet Grzegorz Kwiatkowski has described their music as “a meditative, pessimistic thing,” adding that Don Quixote is an inspiration. Brimming with sophisticated exploratory rock arrangements, delivered with superb […]
“I know what you wanna hear now. Are you ready for music from the Polish Fugazi? It’s a handy formulation for a very seriously guitar rock with a sort of undertow of memory.
Trupa Trupa vocalist and songwriter Grzegorz Kwiatkowski — shaped by his ancestors’ imprisonment at Stutthof concentration camp — speaks truth to power through punk poetry.
„It takes you somewhere without really going anywhere.”
Polish band Trupa Trupa brings post-punk and dark poetry to Desert Daze and beyond.
Un groupe post-punk polonais dénonce populisme, haine et négation de la Shoah.
להקת הפוסט-פאנק הפולנית טרופה-טרופה זוכה להצלחה בינלאומית מפתיעה עם שירים על השואה ועל פוליטיקה ● בראיון נוקב, מסביר אחד מחבריה את משיכתו לנושא – ומביע תקווה כי הגל הפופוליסטי באירופה יחלוף במהרה ● „פעם חשבתי שהרוע נשאר בעבר, אבל עכשיו הוא חוזר”
“Holocaust denial and antisemitism is rising around the world but, of course, in Poland too. The nature of evil is that it’s immortal… I hope things will get better, but that is why we have to protest.”
Trupa Trupa have not been making friends in their native Poland. They come from Gdańsk, that precariously placed city over which history has so often rolled like a tank. Their big theme is collective memory – the way it is distorted, perverted and suppressed for political ends.
The Gdansk quartet rail against rightwing hate speech – and have uncovered a dark secret about their country in the Nazi era.
Channeling a wary mixture of dread and hope, the Polish indie rockers tighten the slackness of previous records into a potent fusion of post-hardcore and shoegaze.[…] More than just revel in the tension between medium and message, Trupa Trupa are the rare dystopian post-punk band to embrace optimism and levity as necessary survival mechanisms.[…] Trupa Trupa may not have the perfect prescription for a better world, but they welcome you to imagine one together.
With shades of Sonic Youth, Radiohead and the kind of rainy, overcoat-wearing bands that Manchester was so good at producing in the early Eighties, Trupa Trupa jump from hypnotic trawls (Satellite) to shouty angular stomps (Turn), while bringing some indefinable quality that can come only from their lives.
„They’re one of these bands that are super super loud and punky, but then, all of a sudden, it’s melodic” – Bob Boilen. Podcast from 42:10 www.npr.org
Henry Rollins considers „Of The Sun” a fantastic album and airs„Dream about” „Anyhow” and „Mangle” in his show at KCRW.
Grzegorz Kwiatkowski of the Polish band Trupa Trupa is a singer of few, well-chosen words. He addresses uncomfortable truths, the absurdity of life, and turns these terse poems into songs that feel like dreams, charged with spasms of noise, gut-punch bass lines and hypnotic melodies.
Let’s Gdansk: splendid fifth offering from the Polish art-rock quartet. Super Trupa Trupa: swimming against the tides. Straight out of a Baltic port, this gripping and energetic record packs a serious punch while doing some of its best work very quietly.
Channeling a wary mixture of dread and hope, the Polish indie rockers tighten the slackness of previous records into a potent fusion of post-hardcore and shoegaze.
The reputation of the Gdansk, Poland-based band Trupa Trupa has been growing steadily over the last few years. The group, led by gregarious singer and guitarist Grzegorz Kwiatkowski, has gone from self-releasing albums at the start of the decade to signing to indie label Lovitt in the U.S. (Glitterbeat in the EU) as the ‘10s draw to a close.