Headache Review – Mecca Lecca
I’ve only just heard Trupa Trupa’s Headache for the first time, but I’m immediately blown away. The album’s 5th track “Getting Older” is the one that really sold me on the album.
I’ve only just heard Trupa Trupa’s Headache for the first time, but I’m immediately blown away. The album’s 5th track “Getting Older” is the one that really sold me on the album.
Lee Adcock, Mark Whitby and Pete Jackson from Dandelion Radio were broadcasting Headache throughout the whole April and May. Thanks!
Trupa Trupa will perform on 31 October at Cane Sugar Factory in Warsaw.
Confieso que no soporto a los Beatles (ya he sido debidamente agredido por ello), creo que por eso me ha costado agarrarle la onda a este disco que, para dificultarmelo aún más, parece dividido en dos partes: exactamente hasta la mitad del tema 5 parecen el hermano malvado de los Beatles inventando el Black Pop.
Headache featured in the New Afternoon Show at New York University WNYU radio station.
Abili nel confezionare melodie dal respiro classico (Barret/Lennon) ed eccezionali nel farne scintillare i contorni anche nelle esplosioni noise, i Trupa Trupa mettono a segno un album capace di richiamare i Grizlly Bear di Yellow House come i Mercury Rev di Boces.
Trupa Trupa from Gdansk, Poland, releases a guitar album on which US new wave is combined with British influences and mild psychedelics.
Trupa Trupa will perform on 15 September at Gdynia Film Festival.
There are several things that can be accomplished in nine minutes. You could make and drink a cup of tea, albeit not a very well brewed one and you’re likely to burn your tongue, or attempt to exercise, and fall over in a heap and just about recover, or you could listen to a song filled with guitars so scuzzy that they look like they’ve just been out on the town with Pete Doherty.
19 sierpnia Trupa Trupa wystąpi na Festiwalu Port Literacki w Gdańsku. Wstęp wolny. Zapraszamy!
Blue Tapes and X-Ray Records commissioned noise musician and artist Jason Williams (Hysteresis, Mothers of The Third Reich, Aeliopile, etc) to produce a video for the swirling, bad-tempered 10-minute title track from the album.
Foto: Jarosław Orłowski.
Coming all the way from Poland is “Headache”, the latest album effort by Trupa Trupa which has been put on the circuit via the UK-based imprint Blue Tapes And X-Ray Records in early March 2015.
I have to admit that it’s been a while since a rock band was able to give me that real “woah” factor without resorting to completely deconstructing everything altogether.
This is a pop combo from Gdansk, Poland. Their music ranges between DIY vibes and complexity which makes me think the DIY part is the heart of their music and the complexity is their true talents and capacity.
This one blindsided me. I had never heard of Polish band Trupa Trupa before, true; but more for the fact that it came from Blue Tapes, a label that is admittedly eclectic in sonic output but is generally more to the abstract noise/ambient outliers of the musical spectrum (Tashi Dorji, Henry Plotnick, Father Murphy).
The Polish rock scene will be represented by groups such as Trupa Trupa, a band that plays alt-rock and whose last album, Headache, was released by the English label Blue Tapes and X-Ray Records.
Quartetto proveniente dalla Polonia, questo dei Trupa Trupa, che dopo un paio di lavori autoprodotti fa il suo debutto per l’inglese Blue Tapes (un nastro con quest’etichetta lo hanno pubblicato pure i Father Murphy).
Poola bändi materjal mitmekülgse Suurbritannia leibeli alt. Raevukad kitarrid, aga tundlikud harmoonilised liikumised.
This foursome from Gdansk, Poland are a mix of no wave and post punk with a touch of psychedelia thrown in. It makes for a trippy sound that goes all over the place, but holds together well at the same time.